Furanflex Flue Liners

Furanflex Flue Liners

Furanflex 1FuranFlex® chimney liners manufactured from reinforced thermo-setting resin and when cured form a steel hard chimney liner and comes with a 25-year guarantee!

The flexibility of a FuranFlex® chimney liner allows the FuranFlex® chimney liner to follow the route of an existing chimney/duct regardless of its shape before being inflated by steam. During the steaming process the FuranFlex® chimney liner moulds itself to the chimney or duct forming a joint-less, air tight, pressure and corrosion resistant chimney liner.


5f43b13b-f2a9-4c83-a67f-e1cf955a909dPrior to the chimney lining we carry out a CCTV survey to ensure the chimney/duct is suitable for a FuranFlex® chimney liner.  During our CCTV survey we are looking for any sharp edges, steel bars or any other foreign objects which may need some attention prior to lining.

We have installed FuranFlex® chimney liners in all types of buildings, from Blenheim Palace, Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE), National Air Traffic Services (NATS), British Telecom sites, Reading University to Mr & Mrs Smiths country house.

Every time the FuranFlex® chimney liner over comes each individual sites challenge making this revolutionary product our preferred chimney/duct lining system.